

What IRS reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) for 2016 will CBEBT be subject?

Christian Brothers Services (“CBS”) and certain employers participating in the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust (“CBEBT”) will be subject to certain IRS reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) for 2016. These reports will be used by the IRS to determine: (i) whether employees are exempt from the individual mandate under the ACA because they have employer-provided health coverage; (ii) whether an employee that purchased coverage through a state exchange is ineligible for a government subsidy because the employee was offered affordable coverage through his or her employer; and (iii) whether an “applicable large employer” or “ALE” is subject to the employer mandate with respect to a full-time employee.
The purpose of this letter is to describe which reporting obligations CBS will handle and which ones will need to be completed by employers.

Because of the complexity of these reporting requirements, any information provided is for general informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal or tax advice.

Administrators can find more details by logging into their administrator account.

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