

What is the CBEBT?

The Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust (“CBEBT”) is a health plan established for the benefit of Catholic employers and their employees. The CBEBT also refers to the trust established to fund benefits under the plan.
Organizations operating under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, and currently listed, or approved for listing, in The Official Catholic Directory, published by P.J. Kenedy & Sons, are eligible to adopt the CBEBT. The employers’ plan participants may include employees, academic employees, members of religious orders, seminarians and secular priests.

The CBEBT pays all incurred claims from the contributions collected from the participating employers and their employees. The CBEBT also has an established actuarially determined reserve sufficient to handle the uncertainty of large claims as well as cover any unreported incurred claims. Although each participating employer in the CBEBT pays a fixed amount into the CBEBT according to each employer's choice of coverage, demographic information, and experience, the CBEBT is a self-funded, self-administered group health plan.

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